Tacoma Jewish Community Fund

It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but you are not free to desist from it either.


-- Rabbi Tarfon  (Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Sages 2:16).


Our Work

For over 75 years the Tacoma Jewish Community Fund has followed the counsel of Rabbi Tarfon because of the generosity of our donors.

We support Israel, national Jewish organizations, and local Jewish community groups.

We help our local Jewish youth savor the joys of Jewish campership experiences.

We provide scholarships for travel to and study in Israel.

Show Your Support

We can do this because of the generous financial support of our donors.  Our annual campaign, special appeals, and our endowment provide the resources that allow the South Puget Jewish Community to engage in the work of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).  

Our Partnerships

Our affiliation with the Network of Independent Communities of the Jewish Federations of North America allows us to support world-wide Jewish needs, making sure that the contributions of our donors reach those in need throughout the world.  

Our dedicated volunteer board evaluates international, national, and local programs and institutions so our donors' gifts will have the greatest impact.  In addition, the board works to promote local Jewish community educational and social activities to broaden community awareness of the needs of the Jewish people everywhere.



Our donors help to build healthy, safe, caring, welcoming, educated and engaged Jewish communities.  Our donor support helps our local Jewish community remain deeply connected to Israel and the global Jewish people. The work is never finished, but our donors help make the Jewish world a better place.

Join with us and make a donation.